Featured Homes Archives | Deltec Homes https://deltechomes.com/category/featured-homes/ The Round Home Experts Thu, 02 Apr 2020 13:55:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Rebuilding After Tragedy https://deltechomes.com/rebuilding-after-tragedy/ Wed, 16 Oct 2019 16:33:32 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4046 It was November 27th, 2016. Gordon had gone to his cabin in Gatlinburg to decorate for Christmas. When he got there, he was amazed at the vibrant fall colors in late November. “I texted this photo to friends who were coming over that evening to celebrate a birthday. They...

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It was November 27th, 2016. Gordon had gone to his cabin in Gatlinburg to decorate for Christmas. When he got there, he was amazed at the vibrant fall colors in late November.

“I texted this photo to friends who were coming over that evening to celebrate a birthday. They responded they were coming over early to see the leaves,” he said.  We walked through the woods that afternoon, went to Gatlinburg for dinner, and returned to the cabin for cake afterwards. At 9:20pm, we joked it was a school night, and we had better start home. So, I locked up, and we drove down the mountain.”

On November 28th, the mountain was ablaze. There was little communication and all roads were blocked up the mountain. It was Friday, while working at the incident command center, Gordon learned his cabin was one of the 2,500 structures lost in the Gatlinburg fires.

“Several weeks later, I was able to go to the site, and only blocks from the foundation, the fireplace box and part of the metal staircase remained. The fires were so hot even the appliances melted,” he said.

“I didn’t know where to begin. My previous cabin was round, and I wanted another round cabin design to take in the mountain views,” said Gordon.

He Googled ”round cabin plans’ and discovered Deltec Homes. He read about Deltec’s energy efficient, wind resistant design. He liked that the structural pieces of the round house were built at Deltec in a controlled environment and assembled on-site instead of a stick built home. He visited the Deltec model homes outside Asheville and was pleased to learned that the structure of Deltec homes had no interior supporting walls.

Gordon built Deltec’s 1500 model on a basement foundation. Though it was a tragic and long road, Gordon is thrilled with the final product. Among his favorite part of the building process: “I was able to customize the interior to maximize spaces important to me and take advantage of the mountain views.”

Follow his re-building journey here:

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 deltec gatlinburg

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Lessons from Asheville’s First Zero Energy Ready Home https://deltechomes.com/lessons-from-ashevilles-first-zero-energy-ready-home/ Wed, 08 May 2019 20:26:02 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=5684 The Department of Energy would like builders to up their game. Though it is worth celebrating the average 20% greater energy efficiency advertised by the Energy Star for Homes program, these days it’s possible to build homes that are even more energy efficient than that. It’s even possible while...

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The Department of Energy would like builders to up their game. Though it is worth celebrating the average 20% greater energy efficiency advertised by the Energy Star for Homes program, these days it’s possible to build homes that are even more energy efficient than that. It’s even possible while also delivering other key benefits:  improved comfort, reduced water use, the best possible indoor air quality, and the ability to seamlessly integrate solar PV. The DOE thinks it’s time for more new homes to take that step.

Enter the Zero Energy Ready Home program. Launched in 2013 as an outgrowth of the DOE’s previous Builder Challenge program (which saw 14,000 homes certified), this new home certification program requires a home to perform several steps above Energy Star. According to Jamie Lyons of Newport Partners, a management firm that helps the DOE administer the program, ZERH Certification has grown twofold from 2016 to 2018. As of late 2018 there were several thousand homes certified across the country, with approximately 10,000 in the pipeline to be certified.

A New Bar for “High Performance”

Our local building company, Deltec Building Company, offers full turnkey construction of Deltec Homes’ panelized home kits in our home market of Asheville, North Carolina and surrounding communities. Asheville is a fast growing area due to our attractive climate and our vibrant arts and beer culture, with a booming construction market and a healthy market for green building in particular. Yet despite green building’s popularity in our area, no one had yet built a Zero Energy Ready Home.  Since our HERS scores were already right within the target range (45 to 55, pre-solar), we were ready to try it out. Our Energy Rater, Dr. Amy Musser of Vandemusser Design, is always up for a new challenge.  I just needed to get a willing client on board, and I did so at last when John and Barry, a couple retiring to the area from their longtime home of Chicago, agreed to let their home be our testing ground.

A Lot like Energy Star, With Substantial Add-Ons

The insulation and comfort system requirements for Zero Energy Ready Home are a bit beefed up from Energy Star, but in our case, we were already doing most of those. The biggest design difference is that ZERH requires all ductwork to be 100% inside conditioned space, whereas Energy Star merely rewards it. This makes sense, as moving ductwork inside conditioned space offers notable energy efficiency gains—one study found it can save between between 8% and 15% on air conditioned costs.

A sealed and conditioned attic space is a good place to locate small, efficient duct runs for a ducted mini-split. ZERH Certification requires ALL ductwork to be inside conditioned space.

In John and Barry’s home design:  a 1762 square custom “Ridgeline” model feet built on a slab foundation and incorporating a split monoslope roof design with vaulted trusses, we typically build a conditioned attic space over a central core of hallways and bathrooms, using spray foam insulation at the roofline and exterior attic walls. We typically house a single ducted mini-split in this mini attic space, with ductwork adequate to serve the bedrooms and bathrooms that are all clustered on the back half of the house. We then serve the open kitchen, living and dining half of the house with a single ductless mini-split. This two zone system is our attempt at striking a compromise between right-sizing the unit’s capacity to the house heating and cooling load while also distributing the conditioned air effectively throughout the house.  In our area we have seen many contractors who are using mini-splits put one ductless unit in every bedroom, even in very well insulated homes—a design we think is overkill from a capacity and equipment cost standpoint.

The Reduced Hot Water Use Requirement Was the Kicker*

There is a little requirement, buried within the ZERH program documents, calling for efficient hot water distribution. From the ZERH checklist, V4: “to minimize water wasted while waiting for hot water, the hot water distribution system shall store no more than 0.5 gallons of water in any piping/manifold between the hot water source and any hot water fixture,” a requirement that must be measured by the Rater. Since most homeowners flush the cold water down the drain while they wait for the heated water to arrive, a water heater would have to be physically located close enough to all of the faucets to have a small enough piping volume between them to meet this requirement. Having to think about this might be completely new to a builder who has only built for Energy Star, and indeed, is unusual as an absolute requirement for a green building program, rather than an option for additional points.

A quick glance at the floor plan had me convinced, at first, that this project was not going to meet this requirement, as the water heater was on the far side of the house from one bathroom. Yet, we had specified a heat pump water heater for its superior energy performance over a typical electric tank water heater, a technology that the homeowners agreed to despite the operating noise and the cold air put out by the heat pump technology, only if they could keep this water heater away from the main living spaces. Since the home was on a slab foundation, moving the water heater under the house to be centrally located underneath the baths also wasn’t an option.

I spoke to the friendly folks at the DOE about this challenge, who pointed out that ZERH does allow this plumbing design but requires  a hot water re-circulation system to quickly deliver hot water to distant fixtures, so long as that system has the right kind of controls. In a typical hot water re-circulation system, an extra hot water return line makes a loop between the furthest fixtures and the water heater, while a pump is set up to circulate hot water throughout this loop. When hot water is called for, that water only has to travel the distance from the loop to the faucet, not the entire distance from the water heater to the faucet, reducing the amount of water that is wasted down the drain while waiting for the hot water to arrive. Long wait times for hot water is a complaint I’ve heard from homeowners before (this issue is probably made even more noticeable by lower flow fixtures).  John and Barry even asked me once, in an offhanded sort of way, if there were only a way to avoid wasting so much water.

A hot water re-circulation system uses a pump and a return line to send water that has cooled in the hot water lines back to the water heater while the hot water from the top of the water heater travels to faucets. Photo courtesy ACT, Inc.

The thing is, For Zero Energy Ready home, this pump cannot be activated by a timer. It must be controlled with either a manual button, an adaptive control system, or an occupancy sensor that turns the pump on when it senses someone near the faucet. According to the folks at the DOE, and backed up by conversations I’ve had with our own Energy Rater, many of the common methods of controlling a hot water re-circulation pump (such as timers or temperature sensors, or even just leaving the pump on 24/7) end up wasting energy rather than saving it, as the system often end up operating when hot water is not actually called for.  Unfortunately all of the re-circulation pumps that our plumber or their plumbing supply house were familiar with used timers to control the system.

A push button in each bathroom allows homeowners to activate the pump when needed. The LED light indicates the pump is operating, it turns off when hot water is ready.

Luckily the DOE has some suggestions for recirculating pumps with manual controls. After researching several options, I settled on the D’Mand Kontrol system with user-activated buttons. The system even includes LED switches that light up when the pump is activated, to alleviate the problem of one person hitting the button in one location and another inadvertently turning it back off by hitting it somewhere else. It took some research to find a supplier for the D’mand Kontrol system, and some convincing to get our plumber comfortable with installing it. But in the end, we did get it working, and had a new selling point to offer any customer, not just those interested in a Zero Energy Ready Home:  no more water wasted waiting for hot water to arrive.

(*As of 5/8/2019, the DOE released a new revision on the program that has additional options for the efficient hot water requirement that were not in effect when we completed the program. However, we think that the hot water re-circulation pump with demand control is such a good idea we did still want to share our story about it!)

A New Focus on Interior Finish Selections

ZERH Certification requires that the homeowner also earn Indoor Air Plus Certification, another green certification program available from the EPA with specific requirements for indoor air quality. Many of these requirements also overlap with Energy Star, such as right-sizing your HVAC system, installing a fresh air ventilation system, and incorporating key water management details in the building envelope.

Some requirements; however, were also new to us, and required that each interior finish selection be carefully vetted. Any composite wood product (including any cabinetry, plywood sheathing, trim material, or engineered wood flooring that had a composite wood component), any interior paint or stain, and any carpet and even the carpet pad, had to comply with a relevant indoor air quality standard. While some of these standards were easy to identify (for example, the carpet product selected had the required CRI green label clearly documented on the spec sheet, and our paint supplier was already using the Sherwin Williams Pro-Mar 200 Zero-VOC  line) others required considerable research to uncover.

Ask, verify, and then verify and verify again is a good manta for this kind of product specification research. We were pleased to be able to work with our normal supply companies for our interior products and not disrupt our typical ordering process, mostly because I was willing to put in the research and did so well before it was time to order. Some builders may just want to be sure to order key components from national suppliers, who often have better documentation on the various VOC certifications their products hold.

Solar Ready

“Zero Energy Ready Home” is not my favorite program name, I admit it. I am skeptical that the concept of “zero energy” would makes sense to most customers and can even sound misleading (Is it zero site energy? Zero source energy? How is it really zero energy in a typical net-metered situation? What do you mean my home is ready for zero energy but isn’t necessarily zero energy?) I do get it—the concept of being “ready for zero” is about a home that’s puts efficiency first, so that solar is easy and simple. In our case, solar was already part of the project. Our area has a decent net-metering program, and local rebates for solar offered through Duke Power that the homeowner wanted to take advantage of. Without solar, a home participating in ZERH has to complete a solar-ready checklist which include provisions for planning for future solar.

Benefits and Considerations

In the end, the homeowners got a highly efficient home, with tested systems, better air quality, and reduced hot water wait times. We were fortunate that we were able to do so without compromising on the specific technologies (like the heat pump water heater) or the specific selections (like those cabinets they really had to have…) that the clients had had made. We, meanwhile, gained a few new tricks and practices to employ.

The world of voluntary green building certification programs is already a crowded one, and the sheer number of programs to choose from can be confusing for a homeowner or builder to navigate. But having gone through it now, I have to say it that the ZERH program might now be my favorite program. Unlike some of the more complex programs, it’s all encompassing. Everything is required, nothing is optional–yet the program is simple enough that it focuses on only the best, most universal practices in building science, without getting distracted by other green building practices that are nice to have but may not fit with every job. It builds on programs and concepts that are already out there—like the Energy star and Indoor Air Programs that are subsumed within it, but takes things further.

I think it’s a solid choice, not just for a “pretty good house”, but maybe even a darn good one.

Leigha Dickens, Green Building and Sustainability Manager.  This blog also posted at GreenBuilt.org

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Universal Design in Carolina Beach https://deltechomes.com/universal-design-carolina-beach/ Wed, 10 Apr 2019 20:41:37 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=5639 As an RN and aging-in-place care manager, Kathleen took her home design into her own hands when she decided to build a Deltec in Carolina Beach, NC. “I saw a larger plan that I liked years ago and spent about nine months on my own figuring out how to...

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As an RN and aging-in-place care manager, Kathleen took her home design into her own hands when she decided to build a Deltec in Carolina Beach, NC.

“I saw a larger plan that I liked years ago and spent about nine months on my own figuring out how to incorporate those ideas, along with downsizing, to include the intersecting hallways in the middle”, Kathleen said. “It was challenging, but I had fun with graph paper & ideas. I incorporated lots of principles of universal design from my experience as an RN and aging-in-place care manager.”

She and her husband, Rick, dedicated a large section of lower level carport with enclosed workshop and the other section left open for a ping pong table, an outdoor shower and storage space for our T@B Teardrop Camper.

Since their plan is to make this their forever home, Rick and Kathleen considered their possible future needs.  “My back office can convert to elevator access if and when we need that feature,” she said. “It was definitely freeing to work with a home where the exterior walls are the only load-bearing walls!”

Another top priority is one we see more often than not: ample outdoor space.

“We live on our front porch most of the year so we planned for three porch sections initially but as I studied the plan I realized it really needed to have five for better use and aesthetics from the street and it has worked out well.”

Finishes include cork flooring, a walk-in access shower in the master, IKEA closets, bathroom and kitchen cabinets, an American Leather tempurpedic sofa bed in the den for a back-up guestroom, and a large Fisher and Paykel dishwasher drawer in the kitchen.  They also incorporated a huge pantry that was outfitted with desk components from the Container Store with a rollout cart for more counter space when needed.

Lastly, they chose composite decking and native drought-resistant plants and gravel pathways for little-to-no lawn maintenance.

Thank you Kathleen & Rick for sharing your story with us! We’re glad you are enjoying your forever home.

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deltec homes carolina beach deltec homes carolina beach deltec homes carolina beach deltec homes carolina beachdeltec homes open floor plan

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The Modern Farmer https://deltechomes.com/the-modern-farmer/ Thu, 10 Jan 2019 22:07:38 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4083 When chef-turned-organic farmer, Evan Chender, decided to make the move from New York City to Weaverville, NC—following stints in Italy and Denmark—he knew one thing for certain: “It was important for me to live on my farm,” he said. The owner of The Culinary Gardener, which provides specialty produce,...

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When chef-turned-organic farmer, Evan Chender, decided to make the move from New York City to Weaverville, NC—following stints in Italy and Denmark—he knew one thing for certain: “It was important for me to live on my farm,” he said. The owner of The Culinary deltec homesGardener, which provides specialty produce, herbs and edible flowers year-round to restaurants all over Asheville and Atlanta, Evan found a flat, treeless lot that was perfect to grow his business (see what we did there?). Now all he needed to do was build a house on it.

“I didn’t have a clear idea of what I wanted the exterior to look like, but I knew I liked clean lines and a modern style. As a result, I was drawn to the Ridgeline B.”

The Ridgeline B from our Renew Collection features 1604 square feet, passive solar layout, open floorplan, vaulted ceilings and high clerestory windows. Side entry porches allow abundant outdoor living space. This is one of our most popular homes and, as with all models in the Renew Collection, it’s pre-designed to use two-thirds less energy than a typical home.

“What I love about Deltec is you get the best of a custom home and the best of a prefab home,” he said. The fast build time, which is a notable feature of prefabricated building, paired with  customization options, like his screened-in front porch, are among his favorite features. As someone who has cooked his entire life and loves to entertain, the open floorplan between the living area and kitchen allows him to easily hang out with friends while he cooks. Lastly, he notes his appreciation for the passive solar design.

“In the winter on a sunny day, I don’t need to turn on the heat until the evening. In the summer, the angle of the sun doesn’t penetrate the windows, and as a result, the house stays very cool, even though the sun is beating down on it all day.”

Evan’s move from the city to the mountains has proven to be a good choice. Launched in 2013, The Culinary Gardener operates year-round and has grown over 200 varieties of produce, herbs and edible flowers for some of the top restaurants in the south.

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deltec homes ridgeline modelexterior3 deltec homes ridgeline modern prefab homes  deltec homes renew collection deltec homes ridgeline deltec homes modern interior  deltec homes deltec homes ridgeline deltec homes interior renew collection

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A Visit to the California Coast https://deltechomes.com/visit-california-coast/ Mon, 22 Oct 2018 16:01:06 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=2136 When you have a view like this, how could you build anything other than a Deltec? Located in Sonoma County, California, this home is 2,546 square feet made up of two stories of our 1,000 model, a 16′ x 32′ crescent wing used as a master suite and a...

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When you have a view like this, how could you build anything other than a Deltec? Located in Sonoma County, California, this home is 2,546 square feet made up of two stories of our 1,000 model, a 16′ x 32′ crescent wing used as a master suite and a 24′ x 26′ garage. The panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean is complemented by expansive windows on both the 1st and 2nd floors and a large back porch. They also incorporated our open-to-below option, which enhances the view even more.

A Deltec’s ability to capture the view unlike any other home is what initially grabbed the attention of these homeowners, but they’re enjoying the other perks of owning a Deltec too.

“We were originally drawn to Deltec for the unique round design that would take advantage of the view and the flexibility to design an open floor plan interior. But we also appreciated the quality of materials used and the focus on sustainability, efficiency and reduced waste with the panelized production,” she said.

Deltec Home in California Deltec Home in California Deltec Home in California Deltec Home in California custom home builder california Deltec Home in California Deltec Home in California  Deltec Home in California Deltec Home in California Deltec Home in California deltec homes california open floor plan

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A Tree House in the Woods https://deltechomes.com/tree-house-woods/ Fri, 24 Aug 2018 21:21:51 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4959 When Deltec homeowners, Jean and Gordon, decided to build a second home, they knew it had to be in a country setting. Having both grown up on a farm — Jean in the Irish midlands and Gordon on the Canadian prairies — they were drawn to a rural setting tucked away...

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When Deltec homeowners, Jean and Gordon, decided to build a second home, they knew it had to be in a country setting. Having both grown up on a farm — Jean in the Irish midlands and Gordon on the Canadian prairies — they were drawn to a rural setting tucked away in the woods.

“We bought land in Grayson County, VA about 11 years ago and when it came time to build we agreed we wanted to incorporate environmentally friendly features,” Jean said. “While doing some online research we came across Deltec. We signed up for a weekend seminar and after that we were sold on the idea of a Deltec round house!”

Jean and Gordon chose a one-story 2000 model from our 360° Collection, which was completed in the summer of 2016. They note their great experience working with Deltec Project Manager, Chad Moore, who they found to be patient and an expert throughout the design process. They’ve also fallen in love with the house itself. In addition to the treehouse-like feel of the home, which Jean said she always wanted as a child (who didn’t!?), she says:

“We love our round house. It is cozy and comfortable and nothing in nature is square or rectangular so we feel we blend right into our clearing in the woods.”

About the home

  • Model: 2000 model on a crawlspace
  • Size: 2,070 square feet
  • Year built: 2016
  • Green features: Deltec’s Energy Wall, spray foam insulation
  • Cool features: Their fireplace is called a BIS (Built in Stove) Panorama. It is like a wood stove only it’s designed to fit into a fireplace like an insert. Thanks to the energy efficiency of the home, Jean says “we find that most of the time the heat generated by the stove is enough to heat the house – which is great when it comes to utility bills!”
  • Click here for a virtual tour!
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modern prefab home deltec homes round house panelized home builder deltec panoramic views 

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Off-Grid Home Built for Family https://deltechomes.com/net-zero-home-built-for-family/ Tue, 26 Jun 2018 17:05:59 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4751 When Peter and Jenna decided to build a new home, they wanted the layout to take what they loved, and what they didn’t love, from their former addresses—including a Victorian flat in San Francisco, built in the 1870s. Deltec’s Ridgeline model and its open floor plan fit the bill....

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When Peter and Jenna decided to build a new home, they wanted the layout to take what they loved, and what they didn’t love, from their former addresses—including a Victorian flat in San Francisco, built in the 1870s.

Deltec’s Ridgeline model and its open floor plan fit the bill. “The open kitchen, dining, and living space makes having large family gatherings comfortable,” Peter says. “Everyone can be together without feeling cramped.”

Another reason he opted for a model in the Renew Collection is that the homes are pre-designed to use two-thirds less energy than a typical home and make achieving net-zero energy easy.

deltec homes net zero

Peter, Jenna and their daughter Sabine

Although Peter and Jenna weren’t originally thinking of going off-grid when they began working with Deltec, they quickly realized that with a few customizations and add-ons to the Ridgeline model, their family could, in fact, totally “unplug.” A photovoltaic array and batteries provide most of the home’s energy needs, including running the pump for its well. But Peter stresses no one system is responsible for making off-grid possible. Rather, it’s a holistic approach.

The open floor plan conducive for a young family and the benefits of energy efficient design weren’t the only reasons they were drawn to Deltec.

“After touring the factory, we could see that the working conditions looked safe and comfortable and that the building materials would stay dry at all times and go up quickly,” he says. “Traditional construction could have exposed our framing and flooring to the elements for weeks.”

We think you’ll agree that their modern and inviting home is truly breathtaking!

About the home

  • Model: Ridgeline A with two porches enclosed to make an extra room
  • Size: 1,786 square feet
  • Year built: 2017
  • Green features: Energy Star certification in progress; photovoltaic array with batteries; wood stove that exceeds EPA emissions and efficiency requirements; compact and ultra-efficient appliances; super-insulated walls, basement, and ceiling; optimized HVAC mini-split system with an ERV; glazed windows; skylights with summer shades; recycled siding; low-flow toilets
deltec homes net zero deltec homes net zero deltec homes net zero deltec homes net zero deltec homes net zero

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White Nights Two: a Deltec in the Bahamas https://deltechomes.com/white-nights-two-a-deltec-in-the-bahamas/ Thu, 31 May 2018 14:56:39 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4647 Some of our customer stories transport us to exotic destinations, demonstrate the extraordinary turns that home building can take and once again illustrate how Deltec homes play key roles in people’s most adventurous life objectives. In this feature we’re sharing the story of a couple living their dream on...

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Some of our customer stories transport us to exotic destinations, demonstrate the extraordinary turns that home building can take and once again illustrate how Deltec homes play key roles in people’s most adventurous life objectives. In this feature we’re sharing the story of a couple living their dream on a small Bahamian out island in their Deltec home(s).

Since their early twenties, Jemma and Penn (not real names for privacy) dreamed of owning a beach house on a remote out island of the Bahamas, a small secluded slice of paradise that they had visited numerous times. In 2014, they put their dream into motion and purchased a 700 square foot round house sitting on the rocks in the most scenic cove.

“We actually fell in love with the lot and the unique spot it provided,” said Jemma. “We did not pay much attention to the fact that it was a Deltec home and could withstand high winds—obviously well suited for the natural threat of hurricanes in this region.” Since it was an older Deltec, they refreshed its interior and moved in.

Soon after they moved in, the home was put to the test…

Hurricane Joaquin

On October 1, 2015 hurricane Joaquin, a cataclysmic and deadly storm, directly hit the island, packing winds just shy of a Category 5 hurricane. The island was devastated and many houses were destroyed due to wind and storm surge. When Jemma arrived one week after the storm, she was mentally prepared to have lost their new nest, but was shocked at what she found.

deltec homes bahamas“Many of the old, unprotected non-impact windows had exploded and been ejected up to 30 feet outwards, sheetrock in the ceiling had plummeted to the floor and the majority of the furniture could not be salvaged due to salt water blown in with the strong winds. The house structure, however, was completely intact,” she said.

They immediately hired a local contractor to restore the home and before they knew it, the dream of owning a Bahamian beach house was back on track. When asked about their first hurricane experience, Jemma offered this advice:

“If you want to enjoy a house in the Bahamas with peace of mind, you have to build beyond code to the absolute strongest specifications – take no chances. It was all about the superlatives: finding the perfect combination between maximum beauty and maximum strength.”

Expanding their dream home

coastal deltec homes bahamas

Deltec’s building system makes adding to an existing structure easy!

Jemma and Penn had always planned to extend the living space for family and friends to visit. They explored many avenues but due to the complexity of adding to an existing house, wanting to build as strong as possible and ensuring that the house allowed for the best possible views, they kept coming back to Deltec Homes. In 2016, they took what felt like the most natural, safest and suitable step: signed on with Deltec for a 144 square foot connector, a 1500 model from the 360° Collection and a 560 square foot detached garage.

The couple hired Terry Zierke, a Florida-based field consultant with enormous experience in assembling Deltec homes, to join the crew. Once the foundation was done and the materials arrived on the island, Terry and the crew began construction.

Making it their own

One of the best features of this house is its location.

deltec homes bahamas

“It’s all about the view” – Penn

“It’s all about the view,” Penn says. “It sits on the coastline, 26 feet above sea level, overlooking the most beautiful bay”. The windows and the round shape allow for a 240-degree view. “The effect is astounding,” he continues. “It feels like being in an aquarium overlooking the ocean, sometimes literally: local dolphin pods inhabit the island since hurricane Joaquin and come swimming by on a regular basis since. Seen from far the house stands low and wide and blends perfectly into the natural environment.”

During the project Jemma, due to her passion for architectural design, did an enormous amount of research when it came to exterior and interior design of the beach house. She wanted it to be a combination of select Bahamian architecture on the exterior and Indian and Moroccan on the interior. Some of the items that helped achieve her vision:

  • Fiberglass Bahama shutters
  • PVC running trim and brackets to add the colonial flair
  • Bahamian benches and railing at the entrance
  • A large ancient Indian door that travelled all the way from Rajasthan through seven countries and took seven months to reach the island
  • Custom lattice to match the ornate cement bathroom tiles and in the ceiling allowing the holes with the compression rings above to discreetly remain exposed for ventilation.
  • Silver Moroccan lamps and ceiling illumination to give impression being underwater looking up at the surface.

The home was completed by local general contractors, Charlie and Sophia Miller, in March 2018.

deltec homes bahamas

“This was one of the most interesting and eye-opening projects I have had the chance to manage. In all my life I have never seen as much hardware, targeted at bolting and fastening the trusses and side panels down into the ground, as what was sent by Deltec. Not only is this house a real beauty in its lines, in the view it provides and its architectural details but it’s actually a bunker and I feel that the house will be able to withstand storms with minimum damages,” said Charlie.

Jemma and Penn named their new home White Nights Two. Jemma explains, “White Nights One is our main house in Europe and although the houses are very different their two commonalities are their calming white interior and their ability to blend with the outside environment that we so value”.

Jemma told us that with this home, she thinks of a quote by Swedish poet Axel Munthe: “My home shall be open for the sun and the wind and the voices of the sea – like a Greek temple – and light, light, light everywhere!”

“That is an understatement for White Nights Two!” She said.

About the Home

In addition to the existing 800 model from our 360° Collection, the couple built a 16’ x 12’ connector to a 1500 model and a detached 24’ x 24’ hip roof garage. Among additional Deltec home options, they chose:

  • Classic Metal Roof, which made from 95% recycled aluminum, comes in a variety of colors, and can withstand wind speeds greater than 120 mph.
  • Covered deck
  • High wind and seismic package, which includes additional tie downs, second tension collar and other elements to ensure the structural integrity of your home
  • Factory-applied FrameGuard® Total™ to enhance the durability of the wood
deltec homes bahamasdeltec homes bahamas

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5 Luxurious Prefabricated Homes https://deltechomes.com/5-luxurious-prefabricated-homes/ Thu, 10 May 2018 13:30:05 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4557 In recent years, the reputation of prefabricated homes has shifted from an affordable alternative to traditional building, to a high end modern option that is disrupting the home building industry. Since 1968, Deltec Homes been the leading provider of unique, luxury prefab homes. This list shows a few variations...

The post 5 Luxurious Prefabricated Homes appeared first on Deltec Homes.

In recent years, the reputation of prefabricated homes has shifted from an affordable alternative to traditional building, to a high end modern option that is disrupting the home building industry. Since 1968, Deltec Homes been the leading provider of unique, luxury prefab homes. This list shows a few variations of some of our most luxurious homes, built in almost every setting imaginable.

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Deltec Homes Net Zero1. Net-Zero Energy with a View

With a goal to optimize his views and be as energy efficient as possible, this homeowner chose a custom, round Deltec home. He also acted as his own general contractor and did a lot of work himself. In fact, the wood from the ceiling, most of the trim and some of the cabinetry were all cut from his property, dried, formed and finished onsite. Even though it’s a large home at 4,340 square feet, it produces all of it’s own energy.

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2. Model Home in the Mountainsdeltec homes

Our model home in North Carolina features 4,720 square feet, four bedrooms, four bathrooms, a home office, open concept living area and a movie theater! The size of it doesn’t make it less energy efficient, this GreenBuilt North Carolina certified home saves an average of $2,071/year in energy savings. Come see it for yourself: open Wednesday – Friday 9am-5pm; Saturday 10am-4pm. Or click here for a virtual tour.

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deltec california

3. Living Large in Wine Country

When you have a view like this, how could you build anything other than a round home? Located in Sonoma County, California, this home is 2,546 square feet. The panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean is complemented by expansive windows on both the 1st and 2nd floors and a large back porch. They also incorporated our open-to-below option, which enhances the view even more.

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4. Mountain to Seacharleston-deltec homes

This two-story, 2992 square-foot home in Charleston, SC is across the street from the beach and features 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, amazing ocean views and great outdoor space! Why ‘Mountain to Sea’? These homeowners incorporated some rustic, mountain decor to compliment the relaxed, beachy feel of their Deltec. In fact, reclaimed wood from their barn in Marshall, NC make up their bed frames and other furniture around the house. Next time you plan your vacation, consider staying here! Click here for rental information.

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Deltec Homes5. World Travelers Come Home to Deltec

After an exciting career traveling the world while working for the US Embassy, these homeowners were ready to build their dream home. They decided on a quiet, lakeside community on the shores of Lake James in North Carolina. They built a two story 2,992 sq ft home with four bedrooms, three bathroom, a home office and extremely open concept. They personalized their home in various ways: a unique gray-green stucco exterior, a covered entryway and a stairwell wing (complete with elevator) specifically built to house large stained glass windows. It’s no surprise that their favorite feature is the large, expansive windows and wrap-around decks where they can enjoy a panoramic view of the lake.

deltec homes lake house deltec home interior round prefab deltec homes

The post 5 Luxurious Prefabricated Homes appeared first on Deltec Homes.

Open Floor Plan Designed for Family https://deltechomes.com/open-floor-plan-designed-for-family/ Wed, 02 May 2018 13:37:49 +0000 https://www.deltechomes.com/?p=4385 New Deltec homeowners, Matt and Kim, have lived in Asheville with their family since 2002. Not long after their arrival to the gorgeous Western North Carolina city—not to mention Deltec’s home base—they purchased a lot in their dream neighborhood. Having owned the property for 10 years, they were eager...

The post Open Floor Plan Designed for Family appeared first on Deltec Homes.

New Deltec homeowners, Matt and Kim, have lived in Asheville with their family since 2002. Not long after their arrival to the gorgeous Western North Carolina city—not to mention Deltec’s home base—they purchased a lot in their dream neighborhood. Having owned the property for 10 years, they were eager to build a house that fit their land and their needs.

“We feel like the property suited the Deltec design very well,” said Kim. “We were looking for an energy efficient home with an ability to design an open floor plan that suited our family.”

In addition to the energy efficiency, they highlight the efficient use of space and flexibility of our 360° Collection homes. “The design process was a great experience. We could never find a floor plan that suited our needs and the Deltec design allowed us to design exactly what we needed. We were able to downsize to a much more usable and spacious home. The large windows have allowed us to enjoy the amazing views of the surrounding valley walls.  We look forward to enjoying our new home for a long time.”

About the home

Built by our in-house building company, Deltec Building Company, the 1600 model is on a finished basement and has a 24’x16′ connector to a 24’x40′ gable roof garage. Among additional Deltec home options, they chose:

  • Pre-painted, pre-installed fiber cement siding
  • Deltec’s Energy Wall, which is a 2×6 wall with thermal shield foam insulation, insulated headers, advanced framing and our AirBlock gasket
  • Covered deck
  • Fresh air ventilation system
  • Pre-installed Marvin Integrity windows

Click here for a virtual tour!

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October 2017

deltec homes asheville

October 2017

deltec homes shell

October 2017

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December 2017

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December 2017

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March 2018

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March 2018

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March 2018



Deltec Homes floor planDeltec Homes floor plan

The post Open Floor Plan Designed for Family appeared first on Deltec Homes.
